Monday, April 11, 2011
Is This the Republican Nominee for 2012?
One of the weekend TV shows I watched – I wish I could recall which one – claimed that now, over 50% of those identifying themselves as Republicans believe there is some doubt that President Obama was born in the United States. Enter the new CEO of the “Birthers”, Donald Trump.
Never mind that Trump’s so-called “research” on the topic is complete and utter nonsense. Many, many respected organizations like this one have completely repudiated Trump’s wild lies…er, assertions.
Never mind that outfits like ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and others had days to prepare for the “interviews” with Trump last week where he gleefully trumpeted (pun intended) his so-called “research” left Trump’s bloviations completely unchallenged….not even a “you know, Donald, what you’re saying here has been disproved by a lot of reliable investigative organizations.” These network operations simply gave a man who claims to be thinking about a run for President free reign.
Never mind that Trump will never do the work necessary to mount a serious candidacy.
El Rushbo says what Trump is really doing is showing the Republicans how to beat President Obama: create doubt and keep repeating the demand for more “proof.”
I’m not sure which bothers me more – the fact that ABC-TV uses the Trump interview, where he espouses complete and unchallenged bullshit, to promote viewership across several dayparts (broadcaster lingo for morning, daytime, evening, overnight, early prime, prime, fringe, etc.) across several days – great for the ratings – or that anyone who thinks this tired old issue which was put to bed a long time ago is still something “we need to talk about.”
I can easily understand why any of these outfits (ABC, NBC, etc.) are eager to have The Donald on one or more of their talk shows, but to allow him to spew his nonsense unchallenged is mystifying to me. Maybe on Entertainment Tonight or a show of that ilk….but not on “network TV.”
After all, we have far more significant and impactful national issues to discuss – like funding for Planned Parenthood.
what Trump is really doing is showing the Republicans how to beat President Obama: create doubt and keep repeating the demand for more “proof.”
ReplyDeletePrecisely what the LeftOWackies are doing about the Waukesha County screwup, no?
Greta did much the same last night.
ReplyDeleteWhat is really surreal is that Trump (Republican) wants to re-legalize marijuana while Obama (Democratic) is increasing and expanding the War on Drugs.
ReplyDeleteThink about THAT for a lil' bit...the rightwing birther is ok with people smoking pot while the Harvard-educated lefty is sending DEA agents after medical marijuana patients.
Crazy and twisted times indeed, eh?